Como última práctica individual, y siguiendo con los temas planteados en las lecciones previas, se plantea el análisis de una obra contemporánea: El Centro parroquial del Polígono de Elviña de A Coruña, del arquitecto José Antonio Corrales.
«La planta disponía de una especie de anfiteatro, con una pequeña capilla de diario con un altar y una corredera que podía incluso abrir la capilla al conjunto. También había un edificio independiente destinado a viviendas para los sacerdotes. El conjunto estaba resuelto con una cubierta que tenía como punto de partida un bloque de Viroterm -viruta de madera que, en aquel tiempo, era de uso muy frecuente. Este bloque, de 200x10cm tenía un nervio prefabricado de 550cm colgado de dos vigas de celosía.»
Se trata de una arquitectura próxima y accesible a los alumnos, siempre respetando el horario habitual del edificio y a sus usuarios y espacios. Existe documentación planimétrica en la biblioteca.
As a final individual practice, and following the topics raised in the previous lessons, the analysis of a contemporary work is proposed: The Parish Center of the Elviña Polygon in A Coruña, by the architect José Antonio Corrales.
«The floor plan had a kind of amphitheater, with a small daily chapel with an altar and a sliding door that could even open the chapel to the whole. There was also an independent building intended for housing for the priests. The complex was resolved with a cover that had as its starting point a block of Viroterm - wood shavings that, at that time, was very commonly used. This block, 200x10cm, had a prefabricated nerve of 550cm hanging from two lattice beams.»
It is an architecture that is close and accessible to students, always respecting the usual schedule of the building and its users and spaces. There is planimetric documentation in the library.
«The floor plan had a kind of amphitheater, with a small daily chapel with an altar and a sliding door that could even open the chapel to the whole. There was also an independent building intended for housing for the priests. The complex was resolved with a cover that had as its starting point a block of Viroterm - wood shavings that, at that time, was very commonly used. This block, 200x10cm, had a prefabricated nerve of 550cm hanging from two lattice beams.»
It is an architecture that is close and accessible to students, always respecting the usual schedule of the building and its users and spaces. There is planimetric documentation in the library.
>Formato y proceso de entrega: DIN A3 y MOODLE, según lo indicado en entrada previa
>Fecha: hasta 23:59h del 13.12.2023>Format and delivery process: DIN A3 and moodle, as indicated in previous post.
>Deadline: 13.12.2023, 23:59h.
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