Se plantea como práctica relativa a las clases dedicadas a Grecia y Roma trabajar con los conceptos de lenguaje clásico, construcción y espacio, y aquellos que se consideren oportunos, aplicándolos al análisis y comparación de dos arquitecturas paradigmáticas: el Partenón y el Panteón. [As third individual assignment related to Greece and Rome classes work with the concepts of classical language, construction and space -and other concepts students consider appropiate-, applying them to the analysis and comparison of two paradigmatic architectures: the Parthenon and the Pantheon]

>Formato y proceso de entrega: DIN A3 y MOODLE, según lo indicado en entrada previa
>Fecha: hasta 23:55h del 08.10.2018
>Format and delivery process: DIN A3 and moodle, as indicated in previous post
>Deadline: 08.10.2021,  23:55h.

NOTA: Las cuestiones relativas a la práctica habrán de ser planteadas preferiblemente en forma de comentario a esta entrada.

4 comentarios:

Melissa dijo...

Greece-Rome refers to the classical civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, known for their profound influence on Western culture, philosophy, art, and government. Greece is famous for its contributions to democracy, philosophy, and the arts, while Rome is noted for its legal system, engineering, and vast empire. Together, they shaped much of modern Western civilization’s foundations.
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johnmyles dijo...

Great read! I love how you highlighted the rich historical and cultural connections between these two ancient civilizations. It's fascinating to see the similarities and differences in their art, architecture, and mythology. The article really helped me understand the deep influence both places have had on Western civilization.
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Martin dijo...

The classical civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome are referred to as Greece-Rome. They are renowned for having had a significant impact on Western philosophy, art, politics, and society. While Rome is renowned for her huge empire, engineering, and legal system, Greece is renowned for its contributions to democracy, philosophy, and the arts. personal injury lawyer montgomery A Montgomery personal injury attorney that has substantial experience in treating the particular kind of damage you're facing, such as a vehicle accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or workplace injury. A lawyer can show good results in those kinds of claims since they have handled cases with comparable complexity.

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